Thursday, January 31, 2013

- MTConnect Challenge

NCDMM (National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining), the US Army, and AMT (Association for Manufacturing Technology) announce the MTConnect Challenge.    The Challenge is a competition for companies, universities, individuals, ....  to develop new techologies utilizing MTConnect to collect data from data sources.   Participants will be competing for a series of cash prizes.  The goal of the Challenge is to develop a wide variety of new productivity tools and signficantly increase the installed base of MTConnect soltuions.

- FAC&T Lanuches The MT

FAC&T launches a collaborative website to bring the latest Shop Floor Productivity solutions to companies looking to improve their manufacturing processes.   No only does this site  highlight the best manufacturing technologies available, many of these technologies can be purchased directly from the site - a Virtual Technology Distributorship available 24 X 7.